Friday, August 01, 2003

Your house is on fire and your children are gone...

The fantastic Jake Ingman has published another beautiful shot on his photolog.

PHOTO : frozen lady

I'm eagerly awaiting a couple of prints from him - everything on the site is for sale, and I fell for his power station photos. And what a nice man he is too - he emailed me at 3.30am stateside time to let me know he hadn't forgotten me.

Ladybirds seem to be cropping up a lot at the moment. First they took over the back garden (lots of yummy aphids in our unkempt jungle!) - then the Today programme ran a feature on how they all have the clap.

There's something delicious about such a beautiful little creature (and a kid's rhyme favourite) being riddled with sexually transmitted fungus.

Filthy little sluts.

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